Monday, August 6, 2007

Hey! We need a new "it" girl and you can be it.

Well now, I'm back at work after two weeks off. There is no finer way to say it than: "this sucks." Last night Kenny determined there was no way I could go back to work because he was pretty sure I'd gone feral. I completely agree with him and contemplated eating an apple ala Mr. Peepers on my desk wearing only a loin cloth. Do you think I'd get fired for that?

I'm pretty sure vacation rules more than work, is all I'm saying. Speaking of vacation, here are a few pictures from my Internet Dork Camp weekend:

The obligatory "we're on a boat and can go real fast" picture. This was taken by Emily, which is why she ain't pitchured. Here she is, though:

Here we are at dinner, all clean and showered, which turned out to be fleeting because we kind of blew out the bathroom. The water was gushing from the shower and the toilet and had to be turned off and sopped up with a million towels. That cabin had so many towels! Really, thank God for towels.

Vacation is really mostly about dessert - how much and how fucking awesome:

On Saturday it rained:

But the sun came out on Sunday so I stayed an extra day and spent the afternoon on the boat with a glass of wine and the new Harry Potter book. Can you think of a better way to spend a day? I can't.


  1. Okay at the risk of sounding all stalker-ish (I'm not really! Your sister can vouch for my non-stalker-ish tendencies.) Is "emily" the emily who USED to write at Because if it is, tell her to get her backside in gear and WRITE for pete's sake. Okay. Moving on.

  2. YES. It's the very same Emily and I totally agree.

  3. Damn her! It's ridiculous that I have never once met this chick and I'm still ticked off when I go to my buddy list and she hasn't written anything. :)

  4. Sounds perfect. Condolences on your return to the evil workland.
