Friday, November 27, 2009

Black (market) Friday

So, I didn't do it. I didn't stand in line at 3am (IN THE POURING RAIN) to buy a shitty $250 TV. Instead, I slept until 8:45am and then got up and ate a leisurely breakfast with my husband. Then we sauntered over to Target to buy a 37" Vizio they had on sale (not a Black Friday sale, just a sale-sale) but duh, they were gone. All of them. Every stupid TV.

I was not in the best mood, especially after feeding my out-of-town family's cats who'd managed to pee, poop and throw up all in one room. Those cats are fired. (Molly, your cats were lovely, just FYI.)

My lovely husband is a problem solver, though, and highly motivated to get me out of grumpy bitch mode, so he checked Craigslist and LO. There was a 37" secondhand Vizio for sale. He emailed the seller and this was the back seat of my car an hour later:

SERIOUS. Our old lemon was quickly dethroned:

We tried out the HD capabilities by watching Casino Royale which is the best possible thing we could watch because certain key parts of that movie definitely need to be highly defined. I tried to take a picture, but it didn't work. You'll just have to take my word for it.

Good night!


  1. Wtf that must have been Maggie, that little shit. I'm sorry! And yay pretty, shiny TV!!

  2. That's the same size as our TV - I cannot imagine life without it!! I foresee another dinner & movie night (maybe we will host!). I'm glad our cats went easy on you.. thanks again for checking in on them!!
